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About Me

Cinematographer, Editor, VFX Artist, Creative Director
Jeffrey Baxter uses his 27 years of experience, continual learning, and excellence to capture a creative vision. The average naked eye will miss most details, where an accomplished artist, such as Baxter, has acquired a finely tuned development of composing art and a perceptive eye for lighting, composition, imagery, concepts, as well as a defined sense of awareness of the details of his surroundings. Baxter has acquired skill, in addition to the drive and dedication of his art that have earned him numerous awards, publications, and national projects
Creative Direction is one element of Baxter’s work and keen eye. He is decorated with 4 Emmys and 56 Tellys for his visual effects work. Such awarded work has included the well-known television series Star Trek Voyager and Enterprise as well as the remake of the film Star Trek The Motion Picture.
"If they bring a knife, you bring a gun. If they bring a gun, you bring a bomb." Jeff and his team are the Nuclear Option in the above situation. Jeff owns both 0 and 1, and wields them with peerless results"
Jim Mullen (










Awards 2016

Emmy Award Winner 2014

Creative Director, Outstanding Achievement Commercial, Single Spot


Emmy Award Winner 2013

 FX Director, Graphic Arts/Animation.


Emmy Award Winner 2002

Outstanding Special Visual Effects For A Series 

Star Trek Enterprise.


Emmy Award Winner 2001

Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series 

Star Trek Voyager.


Video Premiere Award 2001

Best New, Enhanced or Reconstructed Movie Scenes 

Star Trek The Motion Picture (Directors Cut)

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